Juan Valdez Cafe Menu With Prices [June 2024 Updated]

Juan Valdez Cafe Menu With Prices usamenuprices

Last updated on June 1st, 2024 at 12:11 pm

Juan Valdez Cafe is a multinational cafe famous for its Colombian coffee. Check below for the Juan Valdez Cafe menu with prices.

This cafe had a specific purpose other than just serving coffee. And that was to be an icon in the worldwide coffee market.

Even the name Juan Valdez is a fictional character that originated in Colombia, and its only purpose was to differentiate Colombian coffee from the rest of the world.

Stay tuned with us and find out all about the Juan Valdez Cafe menu and prices. The next segment will highlight just that, and then our famous history and review parts will begin.

Juan Valdez Cafe Menu With Prices

Juan Valdez Cafe Menu usamenuprices
Image Credit:- tripadvisor.com

Featured Items Menu

Arequipe Latte$6.35
Arequipe Nevado$7.45
Ham & Croissant$6.50

Latin Pastries Menu

Cheese Bun (Cachito de Queso)$5.35
Arepa De Choclo$5.30
Pan De Bono$3.35
Cheese Finger$3.60
Colombian Empanada$4.00
Guava and Cheese Finger$3.60
Chicken Empanada$4.35
Beef Empanada$4.35
Beef Empanada$4.35
Venezuelan Cheese Empanada$4.35
Venezuela Beef Empanada$4.35
Ham And Provolone Cheese Sandwich$8.30
Salsa Aji ( 1oz)$0.30
Salsa Verde ( 1oz)$0.30

Pastries Menu

Ham & Cheese Croissant$6.50
Nutella Croissant$5.00
Carrot Cake$4.75
Almond Croissant$5.00
Lemon Cake$4.50
Marble cake$4.50
Blueberry Muffin$4.50
Plain Croissant$4.00
Banana Muffin$4.50
Chocolate Muffin$4.50
Choco Chip Cookie$3.25

Espressos Menu

Arequipe Latte$6.35
Vanilla Cinnamon Latte$6.20
Doble Cortadito (8 oz)$5.00
White Chocolate Mocha Latte$6.85
Doble Coladita (5 oz)$5.35
Irish Cappuccino$6.00
Mocha Latte$6.25
Flat White$6.10
Choco – Almond Latte$6.20
Coco – Choco Latte$6.20
Pumpkin Latte$6.95

Colombianos Menu

Brewed Coffee (Tinto)$3.20
Brewed Coffee With Milk (Tinto)$4.10
Brewed Coffee Campesino$4.15
Brewed Coffee (96 oz)$34.95

Iced Coffee Menu

Iced Latte Arequipe$6.10
Iced Latte$5.15
Iced Latte White Chocolate$6.10
Iced Brewed Coffee With Milk$3.95
Iced Mocha$6.10
Iced Brewed Coffee$3.90
Iced Americano$4.20

Nevados Menu

Arequipe Nevado$7.45
Cookie Nevado$7.45
Espresso Coffee Nevado$6.80
Chai Nevado$6.35
Chocolate Nevado$7.45
Brownie Nevado$7.45
Taro Nevado$6.35
White Chocolate Nevado$7.45

Milkshakes Menu

Dulce De Leche Milkshake$8.15
Fruit Milkshake$8.20
Cookie Milkshake$8.15
Tropical Fruits Milkshake$8.60
Espresso Coffee Milkshake$6.95
Mocha Milkshake$8.15

Smoothies Menu

Tropical Fruits Smoothie With Water$6.45
Smoothie With Water$5.65
Smoothie With Milk$6.15
Smoothie With Yogurt$7.15
Tropical Fruits Smoothie With Yogurt$7.50
Tropical Fruits Smoothie with Yogurt$7.20

Non Coffee Drinks Menu

Chai Latte$4.90
Hot Chocolate$3.90
Iced Chai Latte$4.95
Iced Taro$5.15
Hot Taro$5.15
Hot Infusion$2.95
Iced Infusion$2.95

Bottled Drinks Menu

Martinelli Apple Juice$4.00
Natural Water Juan Valdez$2.85
Sparkling Water San Pellegrino$3.50
Snapple Tea – Raspberry$3.90
Tropicana Orange Juice$4.50
Coca Cola Can (12oz)$2.60

Package Coffee Menu

Volcan Coffee (16oz)$17.95
Cumbre Coffee (16oz)$17.95
Huila Coffee (16 oz)$19.95
Organic Coffee (17.6 oz)$21.95
Huila Coffee (16oz)$19.95

Juan Valdez Cafe History

Juan Valdez Cafe Inside usamenuprices
Image Credit:- tripadvisor.com

Colombia had one of the largest coffee farms in the world, but only 4% of coffeemakers knew about it.

The commercial production of coffee in Colombia began in the middle of the 19th century, yet the coffee price continued to go down.

By 1950, the price of each pound had decreased from $0.85 to $0.45. At this point, Colombia was in big trouble.

Even the introduction of an imaginary character like Juan Valdez wasn’t enough to solve the ever-dying coffee prices.

The Colombian Coffee Growers Federation came as a savior with a concept called Juan Valdez Cafe. Yup, an entire chain in the name of the fictional character that you just heard.

The first outlet was opened during the 1960s and 1970s. It had a major impact and managed to differentiate Colombian coffee from the rest.

This concept was a massive success, and in 2002, the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia officially announced Juan Valdez Cafe as their official coffeehouse.

The first international location was opened in the USA during its expansion rush. By the next two years, awareness of Colombian coffee rose from just 4% to a staggering 91%.

Colombia became a hotspot for coffee makers since Juan Valdez was the only recognized company to sell Colombian coffee.

In 2007, Café de Colombia was recognized as a protected designation of origin by the European Union.

This happened after the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia was fighting against a Costa Rican-based copycat.

They were using the official slogan of Juan Valdez, “Juan Valdez drinks Costa Rican coffee,” without any legal right.

At this point, Juan Valdez had a well-established international presence thanks to all these ruckus. This case indirectly promoted its name throughout Europe, Canada, and even other countries that were interested in this case.

Juan Valdez Cafe Review

Juan Valdez Cafe Prices usamenuprices
Image Credit:- tripadvisor.com

There should be no question regarding Juan Valdez Cafe menu with prices. It’s a simple coffee retailer with its own merchandise.

The best deal is probably that combo one containing Volcan, Antioquia, and Finca. A perfect combination of everything you need in your morning routine.

Antioquia is an exceptional one; it’s medium-roasted, which gives it a fruity flavor, and its fragrance is just right.

It won’t be too bitter, which will indirectly minimize your sugar consumption too. Meanwhile, the Finca is the go-to pick for black coffee lovers.

It’s dark-roasted, which means you’ll get the intense taste and smell that black coffee lovers enjoy. And Juan Valdez has a lot of them.

So what about the third one? Well, Volcan is yet another dark-roasted one, but with a big twist! It’s known for its sweet caramel taste.

Along with its high body and subtle acidity, it is a balanced choice for both black coffee and regular coffee drinkers.

This cafe has a lot of blends, and you’ll definitely love at least one of them. For example, cumbre is the strongest.

Organico has the best natural flavor out of all. The beans from this one are made using 100% environmentally friendly farming techniques, and each bean is hand-grown instead of machine-grown.

Not a coffee lover? Well, in that case, get a subscription and order one kind of coffee each week until you find your perfect blend.

The coffee powder will be delivered to your doorstep when and where you want. They even have a quiz section that will help you find out your dream blend.

In the end, there’s nothing much that we can say. I’m not a big coffee lover personally; our team also gets one from the nearest store, and that’s it.

How to Order Online From Juan Valdez Cafe?

Juan Valdez Cafe Order Online usamenuprices
Image Credit:- doordash.com

You can also order online from Juan Valdez Cafe by following the same steps below.

  1. First, go to Doordash or Grubhub and select your location from the list of given locations.
  2. After selecting the location, the menu prices of Juan Valdez Cafe will be displayed (here you can check the menu prices of Juan Valdez Cafe based on your selected location).
  3. Now, select all the food items that you want to order from Juan Valdez Cafe and add them one by one to your cart.
  4. In the next step, you have to sign in to your account if you have one on Doordash or you can also create a new one.
  5. After successfully signing in, fill in some of your details like name, phone number, and email address, make the payment, and confirm your order.

Depending on the distance of your address, it will reach out to you and you can enjoy their yummy food items.

In this way, you can order online and check the menu prices of Juan Valdez Cafe for different locations.

Final Thoughts

Juan Valdez Cafe has over 550 locations worldwide, and even its subscription service is quite flexible, making it a star in both online and offline stores.

Overall, Colombian coffee is known for its quality, quantity, and well-rounded price. But is it worth the effort?

Again, it totally depends on you. Coffee toppers are another big shot in this market with unique ways of drinking coffee.

It is mostly pre-made, and most people will love that instead. So what kind of people does Juan Valdez Cafe target?

To be blunt, it’s either coffee specialists, big coffee lovers, or coffee makers like Coffee Toppers. Ordinary people like us won’t be that attracted to a bag of beans. Or do we?

To know more about Juan Valdez Cafe, visit their official website.

Check More Menus Below:

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Pankaj verma

Pankaj Verma is a food enthusiast and full-time blogger dedicated to exploring the culinary landscape. A BCA graduate, Pankaj's passion for dining experiences led him to launch his blog, where he carefully curates menu prices and insights from eateries across the United States and beyond. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for diverse cuisines, Pankaj's blog offers a valuable resource for food lovers seeking comprehensive information about their favorite dining destinations.

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